Dra. Marlliny Monsalve

Profesor Asociado
Centro de Cálculo Científico y Tecnológico (CCCT)
Departamento de Computación
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Caracas - Venezuela

Tlf: (58212) 605.16.83
Fax: (58212) 605.11.31
Escuela de Computación
Apartado postal 47002
Facultad de Ciencias Caracas 1041-A
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Caracas - Venezuela

E-Mail: marlliny.monsalve@.ciens.ucv.ve

Reaserch interests:

My research interests include numerical linear algebra, scientific computing, matrix theory, perturbation analysis, and their application in science and engineering. Currently I am developing numerical methods to solve nonlinear matrix problems.


• On two numerical methods for the solution of large-scale algebraic Riccati equations.
IMA J. Numer. Anal., 34 pp. 904–920. (2014) (with V. Simoncini and D. Szyld).
Abstract (click to view)

• Newton's method and secant methods: A long-standing relationship from vectors to matrices.
Portugaliae Mathematica, 68(4) pp. 431–475. (2011) (with M. Raydan).
Abstract (click to view)

• Secant method for nonlinear matrix problems.
P. Van Dooren S. P. Bhattacharyya, R. H. Chan, V. Olshevsky and A. Routray (Editors). Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control. (2011) (with M. Raydan).
Abstract (click to view)

• Inexact Newton with Krylov projection and recycling for Riccati equations. [PDF file]
Update of poster presented at the Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra: Perturbation, Performance, and Portability (A Conference in Celebration of G.W. (Pete) Stewart's 70th Birthday), July 19-20, 2010 Austin, Texas. (with Daniel Szyld).
Abstract (click to view)

• A new inversion-free method for a rational matrix equation.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 433 pp. 64–71. (2010) (with M. Raydan).
Abstract (click to view)

• A secant method for the matrix sign function.
(Submitted for publication).
Abstract (click to view)

• Specialized and hybrid Newton schemes for the matrix p-th root.
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, 49, pp. 2401
- 2424 (2008) (with M. Raydan and B. De Abreu).
Abstract (click to view)

• Block Linear Method for Large-Scale Sylvester Equations.
Computational and Applied Mathemataics, Vol. 27(1), pp. 47-59 (2008).
Abstract (click to view)

• Selective Alternating Projections to Find the Nearest SDD+ Matrix.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 145, pp. 205-220 (2003) (with J. Moreno, R. Escalante and M. Raydan).
Abstract (click to view)

Recent Presentation at Conference:

•  Inexact Newton with Krylov projection and recycling for Riccati equations
Update of poster presented at the Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra: Perturbation, Performance, and Portability (A Conference in Celebration of G.W. (Pete) Stewart's 70th Birthday), July 19-20, 2010 Austin, Texas. (with Daniel Szyld).

•  Inexact Newton and Krylov methods for Riccati equations
SIAM Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 12–16 July 2010. (with Daniel Szyld).

•  A simplified Newton's method for a rational matrix problem
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Monterey, California, 25–29 October 2009.(with Marcos Raydan).

•  A simplified Newton's method for a rational matrix problem
Mathematics and Scientific Computing Seminar, Temple University. Philadelphia, PA, September 2009. (with Marcos Raydan).

Research projects:

•  Newton and quasi-Newton methods for solving nonlinear matrix problems.
Project CDCD-UCV- (2007-2009)

Information (click to view)

•  Numerical Optimization Techniques for Inverse Seismic Problems
Project UCV-97003769, Agenda Petroleo, CONICIT. Collaborator. (2000-2006)

Information (click to view)


Análisis Numérico.
Cálculo Científico I
Matemáticas Discretas I. [PDF file: Nota de Docencia]


  • Oración para un buen plan de formación [PDF file].